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London Build

04 Oct 2018

Exclusive interview with Soben Contract and Commercial Ltd

Exclusive interview with Soben Contract and Commercial Ltd

Ahead of this year's awards, we asked a number of companies about their entry and why they should win. This is what Soben Contract and Commercial Ltd told us.

Why should you win the Supplier of the Year award?

We believe that Soben provides a unique service to the construction industry. We aim to be an outstanding business for our team of surveyors and as a contractor- centric consultancy, our client mission is to maximise contractor profits.'

We know that the industry is working to very tight, often minimal, margins. However, with the support of our dedicated team, our attention to detail, and our aim to provide world-class service we can offer, our clients achieve their own success. On many occasions we have helped our clients get to a tender price and submission that has enabled them to win profitable tenders - something we know in current market conditions can be challenging. We focus on Bills of Quantities while many other Quantity Surveying consultancies are withdrawing from this market. 'We believe we make a difference to the construction industry by trying to ensure no reoccurrence of recent events with more prominent firms such as Carillion and that contractors are pricing for clients for the right reasons and the right way. '


How does entering and attending the awards benefit your business?

We entered the awards as many of our larger clients, principally the biggest contractors in the UK, told us we made a difference to their own service and we felt our dedicated team of staff, and our company as a whole deserved the recognition for the passion and enthusiasm that we show. We also want other leading construction firms to know about our broader mission statement: 'To provide World Class quantity surveying services that enable our clients to win work, manage risk, reduce cost and increase profits', so that we may help them the way we have helped our existing clients. By promoting ourselves through the renowned London Construction Awards, we know that the market profile of the Soben brand will be enhanced.

We are very proud of our achievement to date of making the Top 10 finalist list for the LCA. 'By sharing this achievement, we have already shown our staff, clients, contacts, and the wider industry network that we are a business that is passionate about the world class service we provide, something that can only be beneficial for our industry.

We are looking forward to widening our network and raising our profile in the London construction sector, making new business contacts, and sharing our mission of maximising contractor profitability with as many people in the industry as possible.


For further information, please contact:

Lisa Carnwell
Marketing Content Manager
Costello Palmer Communications'
07511 037650

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