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London Build

28 Aug 2019

Harrow Inn Abbey Wood: Peabody put housing plans to council

Harrow Inn Abbey Wood: Peabody put housing plans to council

Peabody have put forward a scheme for 66 flats and shops set across a building climbing from three to ten storeys.

The site in Abbey Wood Road has been subject to several planning applications in the past, including a much larger scheme for hundreds of homes, which was eventually withdrawn by the applicant.

Abbey Wood, Thamesmead and Belvedere are set to be subject for major developments in coming years as developers look to benefit from the arrival of'Crossrail.

Peabody said in its planning application: 'The 66 new homes proposed will deliver much needed additional housing and will significantly improve the design quality of the area.

'The proposal will also deliver investment, environmental improvement and regeneration.

'The proposal will deliver a number of key planning benefits including making optimum use of this brownfield site and visual amenity improvements.'

Peabody say residents will benefit from regeneration brought by new shops, which will also bring jobs.

The developer, which owns the site, has proposed 31 one-bedroom homes, 20 two-bed and 15 three bedroom flats.

Peabody has earmarked'38 per cent of the new homes to be affordable, split between 78 per cent affordable rent and 22 intermediate.

The plans for The Harrow Inn site will be discussed by councillors in the coming months.

Bexley Council'has an ambitious growth strategy, outlining 17,000 jobs and 31,500 homes by 2050, but a new masterplan for housing is set to be revealed.

Abbey Wood will have the furthest station east when Crossrail eventually opens between 2020 and March 2021.

Crossrail Ltd ' the'Transport for London-owned firm building the railway ' said last week it is on track to meet its revised timetable.

Source: This is Local London

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