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London Build

08 Aug 2019

HS2 to build virtual Old Oak Common station to train staff

HS2 to build virtual Old Oak Common station to train staff

A virtual replica of High Speed 2's (HS2) Old Oak Common station is being created to train staff ahead of the West London hub's construction.

In a UK-first, augmented reality (AR) is being used to train staff who will run the HS2 hub at Old Oak Common.

HS2 Ltd has partnered with AR experts Pauley, the National College for High Speed Rail and innovation management consultant Inventya to deliver the project.

They will work closely with station designers WSP to develop the virtual station.

HS2 Ltd stations director Mike Luddy said: 'From its earliest days Old Oak Common will be one of the UK's busiest and best-connected stations.

'The challenge is that Old Oak Common station hasn't been built yet. So to train the station's entirely new workforce with the skills and knowledge they will need we must innovate.'

The Old Oak Common station is set to estimated to serve 275,000 passengers every day both from HS2 and the Elizabeth line (Crossrail).

Pauley founder & managing director Philip Pauley said: 'We're only starting to harness the power of augmented reality. Few people really get what it is and what it can do. The way you might want to think about it is like that famous Star Wars scene where R2-D2 projects a 3D image of Princess Leia. That's what AR is, except for now it's with the addition of a high tech visor through which to see it.

'The technology we're bringing to HS2 enables the wearer to see Old Oak Common station in minute detail. It unlocks huge opportunities to explore, test and refine a digital replica of the station years before the passengers arrive.'

Construction of the station is currently been delayed after a High Court judged placed an automatic suspension order on the contract.

The automatic suspension was placed on the contract after Bechtel'lodged a legal challenge in February claiming that HS2 Ltd accepted an 'abnormally low bid''when it awarded its '1bn contract for Old Oak Common construction partner contract to a joint venture between Balfour Beatty Group, Vinci Construction and Systra (BBVS).

HS2 Ltd's attempts to lift the suspension order were knocked back last month, with a High Court judge setting a hearing date for September.

Source: New Civil Engineer

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