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London Build

26 Sep 2022

London Construction Awards 2022 Winners Announced!

London Construction Awards 2022 Winners Announced!

Last Friday, the winners of the London Construction Awards were announced at a glittering awards ceremony in London. 

Hosted by award-winning comedian Simon Brodkin, over 350 guests from across the industry watched as winners were announced in twenty categories.

The London Construction awards celebrate the achievements, developments and innovations of London’s construction industry over the past year. Each of the shortlisted finalists had to submit their entries to a panel of industry-leading experts. The range of companies that entered was incredibly diverse and reflected the strength of the London construction industry.

We would like to say thank you to our brilliant sponsors YardLink, Vantage Building Control, JN&F, Chandler Media and Space Photo and our Charity Partner The Lighthouse Charity for supporting the awards.

For a full list of winners, please see below: 

London Construction Awards 2022: The Winners 


Supplier of the Year - Quelfire

The judges were impressed with Quelfire’s investment into research and development, the tech support they offer and how they educate the industry.

Product Innovation of the Year - Domus Ventilation

The judges were impressed with the submission from Domus about their Solis Airbrick as they spoke about the need to respond to Grenfell, adhering to ADB and how the brick works.

Construction Software of the Year - Buildots

The judges noted the high standards Buildots have in regard to industry practices and technologies.

Technological Innovation of the Year - Select Plant Hire

The judges loved how Select Plant Hire thought outside the box, utilised telematics information and called their innovations a real game changer. 

Offsite Innovation of the Year - Design4Structures

The judges were impressed with how Design4Structures overcame the complexity of the building location with their prefabricated system and designed an innovative solution in construction.

Health and Safety Solution of the Year - Hilti

This award is for the EXO-O1 Overhead Exoskeleton. The judges commended the very clear health, well-being and commercial outcomes from this solution as well as the innovative collaboration with a medical technology.

Fire Safety Solution of the Year - Quelfire

This award goes to Quelfire’s QuelStop Firestopping system. The judges liked the value-added services, and an early engagement approach to help clients design and install the system in a compliant way.

Excellence in Sustainability - Project - Zed Pods

This award is for The Zed Pods Burnt Ash Lane scheme. The judges were impressed with how the scheme not only tackles environmental factors but also social-economic factors and provides an experience of sustainable construction outside of the private residential and commercial industries.

Excellence in Sustainability - Product - Milwaukee Tool

This award is for Milwaukee Tool’s MX FUEL where the judges commended how the product helped with lots of efficiencies and reductions in CO2.

Excellence in BIM/Digital Construction - Foster + Partners

The judges love the BIM commitment in The Battersea Roof Gardens mixed-use project. They noted how the use of Robotics for developing a construction twin with constant scanning was very pioneering for tracking the progress of the project.

Smart Technology of The Year - Intelliclad 

The judges loved the simple innovation and use of technology from Intelliclad which increases productivity and efficiency and provides excellent customer service.

Architectural Design of the Year - Metropolitan Workshop

The Judges were impressed with the ability to make a derelict factory into original and stylish homes within Limehouse Cut Conservation Area. The judges liked how they maintained the concept and aesthetics of the original building and managed to do this without compromising on sustainability and carbon reduction.

Architectural Practice of the Year - Sarah Wigglesworth Architects

The judges commended the ethos of the company calling it excellent, building upon principles of sustainability. They also noted how rigorous they were in defining intimate spaces and exploring the application of sustainable materials. 

Contractor of the Year - Zed Pods

The Judges commented on how ZED PODS are working in an innovative way, with real social value, adding much-needed social housing in an aesthetical and sustainable way.

Regeneration Project of The Year - Levitt Bernstein

This award is for the Redbrick Estate project – judges commended the project which should be an exemplar for the regeneration of social housing schemes. Judges mentioned that the architects had a real understanding of the community they were designed for and as a result have produced a scheme which is outstanding.

Engineering Consultant of the Year - chapmanbdsp

The judges stated that Chapmanbdsp is achieving impactful commitments to carbon reduction both within their business and externally with their clients. They are continually diversifying and improving their business to benefit their customers

Fit-Out Project of the Year - Benedetti Architects

This award is for the Bafta project where the judges commended the collaboration between client and contractor for innovating in order to achieve an EPC G to B and improving U-values where necessary as well as Community Initiatives and intricate designs.

Rising Star Award - Mandy Yousef - BB7 

The judges chose Mandy as she focused on the highly in-demand skill of Fire Safety, at a moment of great social significance. For her innovation in setting up the BB7 programme and for striving to improve diversity and accessibility in engineering.

Women in Construction Award - Sarah Wigglesworth Architects

The Judges noted that Sarah is a leading champion of gender equality and an inspirational role model. She is visibly ensuring inclusivity and diversity across her company and projects.

Diversity and Inclusion Award - L Lynch Plant Hire & Haulage

The judges loved their engagement with schools and raising EDI awareness, continual improvement and impact for a small family business.

The London Construction Awards are the leading construction and design awards for London, and features a wide range of categories for solution providers, suppliers, contractors, architects, civil engineers, developers, local authorities and more.

To learn more about the categories and how to submit your entry for 2023, please visit the LCA website. 

London Construction Awards 
