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London Build

London Build

Amy sowden

Amy sowden

Site Manager , Berkeley St Edward

I joined the construction industry by accident as a temp in the Customer Services department for residential properties from a 5 minute telephone interview. However, I fell in love with the industry and within 4 years of working with the customers transferred over onto the construction side as an assistant site manager. It was a career move I have never considered, but my project director encouraged me to give t a shot and believed in my transferrable skills. But those 1st 6 months, it felt like i was completely out of my depth. I have been doing this role for 2 years now and have been promoted to site manager within that time. I am passionate about making construction inclusive and as such, with other colleagues have started a Women & Allies network within our business with an aim to disrupt the status quo and make our workplace culture equitable and successful for all. I also want to have opportunity to be mentored by women outside my business to grow and be inspired for my own development. I am also really enthusiastic about being a mentor to others who may be thinking about or just started a career as women in site facing roles. Being an Ambassador for London Build would be an amazing experience personally but would also provide a wealth of resources and information I could share with all the women and men in the network.


"As a female site manager for a large developer it's unlikely I would have been in the position I am just 30 years ago. However, I want to work towards the day when females at all levels within the industry is no longer a conversation at all, it just is."