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Andreea Felciuc

Andreea Felciuc

Arup (Venues Team)

As an architect, set designer, and researcher deeply passionate about the intersection of performing arts, new media, and emerging technologies, I am honored to offer myself as a cultural ambassador. My career journey has been marked by diverse projects spanning the art and theatre landscape across Romania and Europe. From collaborating with prestigious institutions like Staatsoper Berlin and Theatre de la Ville de Luxembourg to crafting luminous installations and architectural sets that are a testament to the power of light, I have been immersed in the world of visual and performing arts. Currently, I serve as an architect at Arup in London, where I specialize in cultural and artistic programs as a valued member of the Venues team. Within this dynamic group of acousticians, artists, designers, architects, engineers, consultants, and technical specialists, our collective mission is to envision and shape spaces dedicated to culture, visual arts, and performing arts. My role is multifaceted, encompassing feasibility studies, pre-feasibility studies, cultural masterplans, and the conceptualization and design of spaces. I consistently strive for the delicate equilibrium between architecture, acoustics, and functionality. Simultaneously, I am pursuing a PhD through a collaborative partnership between the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, Romania, the UCL Interactive Architecture Lab, and the Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna, Austria. My research is a deep dive into the intricate relationship between design and realization, with a particular focus on how this connection influences and ultimately defines architectural outcomes, viewing this domain as 'proto-architecture.'


I am committed to bridging the worlds of academia and practical design, of architecture, research and performance design, fostering a deeper understanding of the transformative power of art and technology.