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London Build

London Build

Andrew Carpenter

Andrew Carpenter

Chief Executive, Structural Timber Association

Andrew joined the UK construction industry in 1977 with the manufacturing giant CRH. It was the ground-breaking Rethinking Construction Report of 1998 that was to change Andrew's career path first within CRH and then later as a Board Member of Constructing Excellence. Andrew was asked to become Chief Executive of the Structural Timber Association (then the UKTFA) in January 2011. Andrew is now helping to spearhead the drive for Sustainable Construction by the use of more structural timber in building with a ‘Fabric First' approach. Andrew was appointed Chief Executive of Constructing Excellence Midlands in May 2018. Andrew is currently a member of the Construction Leadership Council Construct Zero Board and sits on the Government's Timber in Construction Working Group.


The Climate Crisis is the biggest issue of our time and with the construction sector being responsible for 40% of all carbon emissions it's imperative we get our house in order. The choice of building materials is a key factor and we must have a timber first policy thereby reducing the embodied carbon found in other less climate friendly alternatives.