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London Build

London Build

Anna Moynihan

Anna Moynihan

Co-Founder, TaskHer

I'm a seasoned marketing professional with a rich and diverse background that spans across various industries. Over the past decade, I've cultivated my marketing expertise in the digital, events, and hospitality sectors, firmly believing that innovation and purpose are the driving forces behind disruption and ultimate success. My journey has taken me through a spectrum of industries, from TV production to digital marketing, and I've spearheaded marketing initiatives at renowned events agencies. Crafting compelling narratives and delivering unforgettable experiences lies at the heart of my professional ethos. TaskHer, was a personal revelation. I became acutely aware of the underrepresentation of tradeswomen during my own home improvement projects. This realization prompted a deeper examination of the statistics surrounding women in the trades. TaskHer emerged as a dedicated platform designed to bridge the gap, connecting users with highly skilled tradeswomen. Our mission goes beyond business; it's about dismantling stereotypes and nurturing inclusivity in fields historically dominated by men.


It’s time to normalise women in trades. It isn't just about fairness; it's about recognising their contributions, levelling the playing field, and securing a more diverse and successful future for construction in the UK.