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London Build

London Build

Camila Pe

Camila Pe

Sales Manager, Optec Group Ltd

Camila Pe is a Sales Manager with over 10 years of experience in the construction industry. She is currently the Sales Manager at Optec Group, a company based in Buckinghamshire, UK that specializes in the supply, installation, maintenance, and repair of all types of air-conditioning systems. Camila has a proven track record of success in sales. She was a top sales performer at Selco Builders Warehouse for three years. She is a highly motivated and results-oriented individual who is always looking for new ways to grow her business. Camila is also a strong leader. She was the president of her university course in political science, and she has a natural ability to motivate and inspire others. She is also a great communicator and is able to build strong relationships with her clients and colleagues. Camila is passionate about the construction industry and is committed to making a difference. She is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the industry, and she is always looking for ways to support and mentor young women in the field. In addition to her work in sales and leadership, Camila was also the Philippines Youth Ambassador to Southeast Asian for SSYEAP (Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program 2001). In this role, she promotes youth development and cross-cultural understanding in Southeast Asia. She is also a strong advocate for environmental sustainability.


The construction industry is a male-dominated industry, but it's time for that to change. Women are just as capable as men of working in construction, and they bring a unique perspective to the table. We need more women in construction to make the industry stronger and more innovative. I have seen firsthand how few women are joining the construction industry when I worked at Builders Warehouse. Diversity, equality, and inclusion are essential for a successful construction industry. When everyone feels welcome and supported, they are more likely to be productive and engaged. This is especially important for women, who often face discrimination and harassment in the construction industry. I am pleased to see more women in higher positions in the construction industry, and I encourage everyone to get behind driving diversity, equality, and inclusion in construction. It's the right thing to do, and it's good for business. As a Sales Manager, I have firsthand experience with how men approach women in business meetings, negotiations, networking, and lead generation. They can sometimes be dismissive or patronizing, and they may not take women as seriously as they would men. We need to create a more level playing field for women in construction. We need to provide them with the same opportunities as men, and we need to create a workplace where they feel safe and respected. When we do this, we will create a stronger and more innovative construction industry that benefits everyone.