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Che harison wara

Che harison wara

Engineer, Talon engineering Ltd

Dedicated construction engineer with over eight years of experience working on large and small construction projects. Proficient at coordinating with contractors, suppliers, engineers and other project stakeholders and reviewing project designs. Recognised by former employer for outstanding talents in areas of report writing and budget projections.


The challenge of getting to a place where the construction workforce is sufficiently diverse to be representative of its customers and stakeholders can seem overwhelming. Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) statistics indicate that the construction sector is still only 15 per cent women (2 per cent on-site), 6 per cent BAME workers, and 6 per cent disabled workers. Figures on LGBT+ representation in the industry are too unreliable to share. However, there are bitesize actions that organisations and employees can take to extend the conversation. Clarity on benefits and blockers can also help drive momentum. The business case for having a diverse workforce, inclusive of minority groups, is well made. For example, the 2020 McKinsey report, Diversity Wins: Why Inclusion Matters, found that companies with more than 30 per cent women executives were more likely to outperform companies where this percentage ranged from 10 per cent to 30 per cent. In the case of ethnic and cultural diversity, in 2019, companies in the top quartile for ethnicity diversity outperformed those in the fourth quartile by 36 per cent in profitability. In the construction industry, the skills shortage (both the short term shortage caused by Covid-19 and Brexit, and the longer term shortage from construction workers hitting retirement in the next 15 years) puts the issue into sharp focus. Encouraging diversity seeks to make the most of untapped potential – and being inclusive helps retain the talent you have. Diversity of talent is also key in ensuring the industry remains relevant in a fast-developing landscape. For the sector to drive change, be innovative and effectively adopt new technologies, it needs to be able to attract people with the right skills and mindset outside the current talent pool.