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London Build

London Build

Douglas Kent

Douglas Kent

SPAB Technical and Research Director, The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Douglas Kent is a chartered building surveyor specialising in building conservation and is currently a director at the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) - the largest, oldest and most technically expert charity fighting across the UK to save old buildings from decay, demolition and damage.

Douglas has worked previously in the public and private sectors, offering advice on historic buildings to a range of organisations, such as the Ministry of Defence and English Heritage. His technical knowledge is underpinned by formal qualifications, including an MSc in the Conservation of Buildings, and the practical experience he has gained from leading volunteers' old building working parties as well as the renovation of his own grade I-listed, medieval, timber-framed house.

He publishes and lectures regularly on building conservation and has contributed to various radio and television programmes. He also serves on many committees for organisations devoted to the historic built environment. In 2013, he became Chairman of the Hundred Parishes Society.