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London Build

London Build

Francesca Amato

Francesca Amato

Sustainability Manager, McLaren Construction Group

I am a passionate advocate for sustainability in the construction industry. My journey has been shaped by working in consultancy for the built environment and principal contractors. As a Sustainability Manager, I inspire to lead by example and empower other women in construction. And as a Women in Construction Ambassador, I'm committed to paving the way for generations to come, as I'm confident that the industry can go beyond building long lasting structures, to also build a more inclusive and diverse industry.


"In my role as a Sustainability Manager at McLaren, I am deeply committed to advancing both sustainability and gender inclusion. Prioritising gender diversity within this historically male-dominated sector enhances workplace equity and reinforces our sustainability mission. The inclusion of women brings a diverse array of perspectives, facilitating innovation and propelling us towards more environmentally responsible practices, which are integral to our construction industry sustainability goals."