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London Build

London Build

Gema Coates

Gema Coates

Head of Commercial London & SE, Amtico Flooring

Passionately worked in the construction industry for over 20 years. Now heading up team of fantastic professional supporting Commercial & Spec sales of LVT in London.


Employing more women can broaden the pool of available workers and help to plug the skills and labour shortages left by an ageing workforce, all of which can encourage your businesses to grow. Having more women in senior roles in particular, is strongly linked to business profitability, and a policy of diversity and inclusion can be part of SME businesses’ social responsibility – making a change that benefits employees, business owners and broader society as a whole. At Amtico I am part of our CSR Pillar 'Empowering our People', and as a business we recognise historically in Construction and Manufacturing a male-dominated culture which can be off-putting to women and detrimental to their success in the workplace. We are now setting the highest of standards when it comes to flexible working options, clear paths for career progression, and ensuring more women in senior leadership positions and tackling menopause support head-on as an employee support benefit. As a responsible employer, working with local schools and colleges etc, we hope to offer education to women and girls about the breadth of career choices within construction and related core subjects from an early age, so it’s seen as viable career choice. I truly believe businesses can lead by example, and make this a more inclusive sector. It is my mission to remain part of that process.