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London Build

London Build

London Build

Holly Harrington

Holly Harrington

Housi Ltd

As an architect, developer and tutor, Holly is always looking to use her skillsets to expand beyond traditional architectural and built environment roles. With experience across all scales of residential developments, as well as hospitality and heritage work, she believes building a strong happy team through clear communication is key to any project. A passion for cities, led to starting a new podcast, chairing a female networking group in London, and writing opinion pieces from time to time. Holly has been leading outreach groups and mentoring the next generations from the time she was at university and continued this into practice; often leading outreach and academic units in various companies as well as a design tutor and Think Tank leader at The London School of Architecture. With a passionate curiosity for the future of the industry, she is currently investigating how the industry can be driven forward with the assistance of technology.


"So many other industries have progressed with gender parity over the decades, and yet we are still far behind. It's time to stop the loss of female talent from the industry and get women into senior leadership roles to bring the industry forward."