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London Build

London Build

Ishwariya Rajamohan FRSA Rajamohan FRSA

Ishwariya Rajamohan FRSA Rajamohan FRSA

Ishoo Rajamohan Coaching

Ishwariya Rajamohan FRSA is a former architect, now a certified coach practicing in London and working with clients across the globe. She supports female leaders in Construction in rising above challenges ranging from confidence in the workplace to work life balance. Her work as a coach affirms what she has always known - that even though a coachee brings a very human issue to work on during a session, she is invariably shown glimpses of their unique brilliance. Ishwariya is accredited with the Association for Coaching (UK) and is also a Mental Health First Aider. She trained as an architect in India before completing a Master’s degree in Environmental Design in the UK, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.


Fostering diversity, equality, inclusion and equity in Construction creates environments where everyone thrives and is able to contribute their best work. To choose anything else makes little sense.