Julia Hall
Julia Hall is the Head of Design for Security at Greater Manchester Police (GMP) where she is force strategic lead for Designing Out Crime and Crime Prevention Team and is delivering the European Commission funded research project – Engage 2 Innovate.
Julia is a qualified architect with 15 years industry experience delivering new homes, car show rooms and crown court facilities amongst other experience in the world of development and construction. She has also worked for the Royal Institute of British Architects developing accredited CPD with product manufacturers. With this experience Julia and the team help architects, developers and local authority planners to consider security within the built environment at the earliest of design stages to ensure development across Greater Manchester, in partnership with local planning teams, is creating sustainable communities and its citizens.
Julia also has a Master of Studies (MSt) in Applied Criminology and Police Management with the University of Cambridge. The learning from this study programme continues to support the development of GMP as an evidence-based service.