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London Build

London Build

Paolo Nistri

Paolo Nistri

Senior Construction Skills Manager, Places for London
Paolo leads the team at TfL’s property company who are working to help tackle the skills shortage and lack of diversity that exists within the built environment industry. They and their partners have trained thousands of people who are interested in working in the construction industry and supported hundreds into jobs in the sector, including entry level roles, apprenticeships and skilled technical and managerial positions. The team also work with schools all over the capital to help secondary school students understand the vast range of roles across the built environment sector and inspire them to be help shape London’s ever-changing skyline. Before taking on this role, Paolo was the Head of Inclusive Growth, Skills and Social Value at the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC). Having worked at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in its various guises since 2007, at the LLDC he headed up the team that is ensuring that the Park’s pipeline of construction work creates social, economic and educational benefits for all.