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London Build

London Build

Ruth Easterbrook

Ruth Easterbrook

Technical Director, TEC (Tweedie Evans Consulting)

Ruth is a Chartered Geologist and Chartered Scientist and joined TEC in 2022, bringing with her over 20 years of experience within the contaminated land sector. Ruth spent a significant part of her career undertaking a semi-regulatory role with the National House Building Council and uses this experience to ensure that TEC's technical standards and staff training and development skills are maintained and fully up to date, Ruth also takes a lead on regulatory compliance issues.


"I followed in my own inspiring mums footsteps into a career in Geology, she was one of only 2 women on her degree course, by the time I studied Geology at Imperial, there was almost a 50/50 split, but on entering the construction industry the numbers of women in all roles (but especially female leaders) was really low. I want to help encourage the next generation of women into the sector by leading from the top, maybe even one day my own daughter will follow in my footsteps, as I did my inspiring mums!"