Shona Snow
I made the transition from private to public sector in 2013 as a Chartered Member of CIPS, and have led a number of complex collaborative procurement projects since then across Local authorities such as Surrey and Southwark. I now work with LCP (London Construction Programme), part of Haringey Council, leading the re-procurement of their Major Works framework with a new ambition to use this opportunity to drive change in the market and improve mental health in this sector.
"I moved into the public sector because I wanted to have a win/win relationship with my supply base and work for an organisation that intended to treat suppliers fairly, and because I felt in public sector I was perfectly positioned to support progress and drive change during my career. Prior to 2020 Equality Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) was something of a ‘tick box’ exercise but since the events of that year there have been significant and fundamental changes in a number of sectors including construction. I and others now run procurement projects with an expectation of seeing good practice and real results - much more than just boxes ticked. We expect to lead by example but also appoint those who lead by example and support diversity in the workplace and in how they deliver services. Today we at LCP want to see that same step change in mental health. Since understanding that the construction sector has the highest rate of suicide of all industries, as a team we have been deeply motivated to make a difference. Mental Health is the next big thing waiting for people and organisations to catch up and make change happen. EDI and good mental health will underpin a successful business. Treating your staff well and creating an inclusive, supportive culture not only displays good practice but is proven to support innovation and building safety, leading to lower risks, fewer injuries/accidents and a better quality end product. It is down to both suppliers and clients to drive change through best practice and improvement in planning and in how they tender schemes. We are willing to take that first step."