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London Build

London Build

Shu-Ling Lu

Shu-Ling Lu

Associate Professor of Construction and Project Management, University of Reading

Dr Shu-Ling Lu is an Associate Professor in Construction and Project Management, and the Director of the MSc Project Management programme within the School of the Built Environment at the University of Reading, UK. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building (FCIOB) and of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Shu-Ling's practitioner background is in construction management and quality engineering. Dr Lu's research interests centre on innovation management, sustainable construction, new product development in high technology sectors, women in construction and heritage buildings. She has published 4 books, 6 book chapters, and 67 journal and conference papers. She has been invited to provide keynote addresses in the areas of knowledge management, innovation management, and quality management.


"Creating an inclusive image of the construction sector is essential to attract women and all ethnic groups to the industry. This can be only achieved when everyone in construction actively celebrates equality and diversity to a common goal of appreciation that unites, not intolerance that divides."