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London Build

London Build

Zoe Galloway

Zoe Galloway

Technical Manager - Projects and Fire Protection, Walraven UK

I have worked in the construction industry for many years as a construction project manager, managing director of a kitchen design and fit out company leading teams of fitters and more recently as a Technical manager. During my career I have experienced a predominately male dominated industry and at times have faced challenges due to outdated ideas and practices, however, I have also experienced fantastic support and collaborative work with male colleagues and through mutual respect and the diversity that different ideas and experiences we have been able to bring together.


"Not only are we facing huge skills shortages, which women could be helping with if they were welcomed and felt could be equal in the industry. But, I also strongly believe in the importance of diversity in a team. Diversity drives innovation, the construction industry now more than ever before is relying on innovation to improve and adapt to ever changing markets."